So you are no longer a slave but a child

Hespeler, 28 October, 2018 © Scott McAndless – Baptism Galatians 3:23-4:7, Psalm 78:1-8, Mark 9:33-37 O ne day, when his disciples were being kind of awful with each other – when they were arguing and fighting with each other because this one thought that he knew exactly how things ought to be done and was frustrated that no one else would listen to him and that one thought that the other guy over there wasn’t giving him the respect he deserved and then there was this other one who totally hated all of the songs that the other guys would sing when they walked down the road – anyways I don’t really want to get into it but they were being kind of typical for them honestly and so Jesus decided to do something that would help them to see what was really important about what it was that they were doing together. So this is what Jesus did. He said to the disciples, hang on for a minute guys because I need to show y...