Afterlife? Where is Abraham's Bosom?

Hespeler, 21 May, 2017 © Scott McAndless Luke 16:19-31, Psalm 146, Daniel 12:1-3 T he Bible doesn’t just talk about the afterlife in one way. There are all kinds of ways in which it is described. In some texts it is found in a place called Sheol, but then there are other places that talk about Heaven and Hell. There are references to Hades, Paradise and also to the Pit and the Lake of Fire. And this is not just a matter of using different words to describe the same thing. The various places and states are described in such different ways that they are very hard to reconcile with each other. But it is fun to watch people try. Theologians and experts in religion seem to have this deep need to systematize and organize everything including what the Bible says about the afterlife so there are people w ho have attempted to reconcile everything that the Bible says about it. The solution, in Christian theology, has usually been to describe an aft...