Lurking at the door - The Bible introduces the concept of sin

Hespeler, 22 January, 2017 © Scott McAndless Genesis 4:1-15, 23-24 , Matthew 18:21,22, Psalm 36 O ne of the complaints that you hear leveled against the church from time to time is that we never seem to talk about sin anymore. We love talking about grace and love and reconciliation – and that is fantastic – but where is that focus on faults and shortcomings that was so characteristic of the church in former days? And I will certainly agree that there is something to this complaint. I understand where the reluctance to talk about sin comes from – especially when it is a concept that has been so often misunderstood and even misused to gain control over people – but I also appreciate that if we do not have an understanding of sin and what it can do to us, our Christian faith will never reach its full potential. So I am going to dare to look closely at sin, its meaning and its power over the coming week...