Ancient Commandments; Modern Applications: Thou shalt not make unto thee any graven image
Hespeler, 4 September, 2016 © Scott
20:1-6, Psalm 97, Romans 1:18-25
have spent some time over
these summer months looking at some of the key commandments of the Old Testament
and asking how, if at all, they apply to the lives that we live today in a very
different world from the one that first received the commandments.
I have saved what
I think is the most essential commandment – the one that might just lie at the
heart of all of the rest – until the end. The commandment that prohibits the
worship of idols is actually quite simple and straightforward, but its very
simplicity is what has made it hard for people to follow it. The command says
simply this in the best known King James Version: “Thou shalt not make unto thee any graven image.”
It is
specifically a prohibition against making representative art by carving
something out of metal, wood or stone. If you wanted to be very literal minded,
you could argue that making images by melting and molding or by drawing on
pieces of paper or other media are okay and that the commandment only prohibits
engraved images. But that doesn’t seem to be the spirit of the commandment. The
idea seems to be that any sort of representational art is simply not
All of those
people who have taken this commandment as part of their heritage – that
includes Jews, Muslims and Christians – have had their own ideas about how to
observe this commandment. Conservative Jews have tended to look with suspicion
on any sort of artwork that represents something that you could recognize.
Muslims have even more strongly rejected such art, to such a degree that the
only acceptable art in strict Islamic culture is calligraphy – that is,
beautifully written texts, ideally of the Koran.
Christians, as in
many things, have taken their own approach. They have often ended up arguing
and disagreeing over this commandment and what it allows more than any other
group. Some of the earliest Christian traditions that fed into what we call
today the Roman Catholic and Eastern Orthodox churches strongly embraced the
use of art work as a way of promoting their faith and as a teaching tool for
the faithful. That is why the churches of those traditions are often full of
beautiful works of art that depict various heroes of the faith and stories from
the Bible and from Christian history.
When the Protestant
Church came along, there was initially a big reaction against the use of art in
churches. Some early Protestants banished all artwork from their churches. The
Presbyterians were absolutely one such denomination and the earliest
Presbyterian Churches were emptied of all sculptures and the walls were
whitewashed. The windows might have colourful stained glass but did not
represent anything.
And, as you can
imagine, Presbyterians thought they were so much better than everyone else
because they didn’t have any artwork while other groups, like the Roman
Catholics, tended to see things the other way around and thought they were so
much better because they used art work in good ways. That is what we often do
with commandments, of course, use them as reasons to put other people down and
lift ourselves up. And, honestly, if that’s all we get out of a commandment
like this one, I am quite sure that we’ve missed the point.
Is this
commandment really about banning artwork? Or is artwork just the surface of a
deeper problem that it is trying to get us to deal with?
I have a hard
time believing that art itself is the problem. When I think of all of the good
that has come out of the ability of very talented human beings to beautifully
render the world that they experience, I know that art is a blessing – a divine
blessing given by God. This is true of both sacred and secular art.
I know that I
would not have the same appreciation of God my creator if I had not spent time
contemplating some of my favourite paintings by Monet, Van Gough and Da Vinci.
I remember an afternoon spent in a university library in New Jersey where I
contemplated a painting of a very angry Jesus that probably taught me more
about my saviour than all the studies I have ever read of the Gospels. Art is
able to speak to us about earthly things and divine things in ways that words
cannot approach. The problem, I am certain, is not art itself. The problem has
to do with what we do with the things that we create with our artistry.
Of course, when
this commandment was first spoken, it was spoken to people living in a
different world. It was a world where it was common to believe, not in one
universal God, but in a great variety of gods. Even more important, people
believed that, when they made statues and carvings and representations of these
gods, it gave them a certain amount of power and influence over them. These
idols could be easily manipulated by sacrifices, magic words or rituals with
the statues.
The target of
this commandment was not the statues and artistic representations themselves
but the attitude that generally went with them. What God is saying with this
commandment is that he is not a god like these other gods that the people have
been used to. He will not be captured within a statue or carving. God will not
be manipulated or forced to behave in ways that people may want.
So actually, if
all you do with this commandment is read it literally and don’t allow people to
make statues, carvings or other works of representational art, you have
actually missed the point of it because it is quite possible to ban all of those
things and yet still hold onto the attitude that you can use earthly things to
try to manipulate God. Idols in the ancient world may have been exclusively
made out of statues and carvings but human beings have been infinitely creative
when it comes to creating idols.
So let us
consider some of the idols that people do use today. What are those things that
are made by human hands or minds, that may be good or beautiful in themselves
but that people then take and think that they give them the power to say what
God will do?
We are in this
world surrounded by things and events that just happen and that have no
apparant meaning in themselves. But we, as human beings have the ability to
look at these seeming random events and find patterns and meaning in them. To
take one simple example from recent newspaper headlines, let’s say that
somebody invents a brand new item of swimwear for women – a suit that covers
the entire body except for the face, feet and hands – and calls it a Burkini.
This is, on one level, just a fairly random event. Someone creates a new
product and starts selling it – something that happens every single day.
But people don’t
just see it as a random event, do they? They see all kinds of meaning in it
whether that meaning was intended or not. Some see it as a new symbol of
freedom for women because it allows women who come from a culture of extreme
modesty the freedom to go to the beach that they didn’t have before. Others, of
course, see a symbol of the repression of women and the opposite of freedom.
And, of course, there are certainly those who see the burkini as a symbol of
much darker things such as terrorism. And so very quickly the idea of the
burkini has become much bigger and more laden with meaning than the thing
itself. This is something that we human beings do very well. And sometimes the
idea of a thing becomes so large that the idea begins to define the thing. That
is when we are in the territory of idolatry.
Take the idea of
doctrine for example. Doctrine is just a fancy word that means a list of things
that people of faith believe. It is, for example, a doctrine of our church that
Jesus Christ is the Son of God. Another doctrine: we believe that we are saved
by grace through faith and not by our works. And doctrines are very good and
beautiful. Good doctrine is also true.
But doctrine, no
matter how good or true it is, can also become an idol. When you use it, for
example, to feel superior to others who might believe differently from you, it
becomes a graven image that serves your own desires rather than driving you to
become a better person. And when your understanding of your doctrine begins to
define God for you in a way that prevents God from acting outside of the box
that you have made for him so that God can no longer surprise you or challange
your view of the world, you have created an image of your God that is no less
immovable than any ancient statue of stone or wood.
Here is another
thought: if doctrine can become an idol, so can Scripture. Here, once again,
the Bible is a good thing. It is a gift from God to us, given for our benefit
and blessing. The Bible is both true and beautiful. And if you are using the
Scriptures to teach and challenge yourself to go deeper into your knowledge of
God and of yourself, you are using it well. But not everyone uses the
Scriptures in that way.
As Christians, we
believe that the Bible is authoritative and that it is inspired by God. But we
often forget the connection between those two things. The Bible is
authoritative because it is inspired by God. In other words, the Bible
is not authoritative in itself but it derives that authority from God. God is
the ultimate authority and the Scriptures only have authority because they
point to that ulimate. The problem comes because the Bible is a defined,
earthly thing that people can own and know and master. It is possible for a
human being to memorize the whole of the Bible – to know every word of it
because it is an earthly object. Not many people know it that well, of course.
Few know it as well as they think they do, but it is at least theoretically possible
to gain a mastery over this book.
The problem comes
when people take their knowledge of this book (whether it is complete or not)
and begin to act as if they know the Truth (with a capital T) because they know
this book.
I remember when I
was much younger thinking in exactly this way – thinking that it was possible
for me to always be right. I thought it was simple. All I needed to do was to
know what the Bible said about every subject that mattered. If I could quote
the Bible, I would always be in the right. It was a very childish and naive
worldview of course. The truth can never be reduced down to a single quote and
the Bible doesn’t always speak with one voice on all matters anyways, but that
was how I thought it worked and many people still think that way today.
When we do that,
when we take our mastery of this book and turn it into the mastery of the truth
and of the God that it points to, we turn this good thing that is the Bible
into a dangerous idol. Yes God inspired the Bible, but whatever that means (and
the question of what inspiration is and how it works is a huge question) if God
were ever to allow the Bible to define and limit God, at that moment, God would
cease to be God. Anytime we take the Bible and think that it defines God and
especially when we use our understanding of the Bible to exalt ourselves over
others, we are making unto ourselves a graven image.
There is a reason
for this commandment. It was given to a people who had a very simple and
graphic idea what an idol was. We are not particularly tempted to make idols like
they would have thought of them. But that does not mean that we don’t have ways
of taking our creations – especially our ideas – and turning them into very
powerful idols in their own way.
#140CharacterSermon We have this way of turning our ideas into idols
that seek to confine and limit God. This is foolish and dangerous..
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