How the Leper found Christmas (or "What if Mark 1:40-45 were written by Theodor Geisel")
Video Version:
20 December, 2015 © Scott McAndless
Every Jew in Capernaum really mattered
a lot
the leper, who lived outside Capernaum, did not!
of psoriasis his skin was all white
the people who saw him reacted in fright.
as much as they scorned him for being impure
leper detested himself even more.
was certain that all this had happened to him
he’d deserved it – because of some sin.
So he
spent all his days in a terrible mood
in dark depression he constantly stewed.
nobody loved him – no body at all
that’s why his heart was two sizes too small.
It is fair, I think, to compare Dr. Seuss’ story of the Grinch who
stole Christmas with the story of the leper from Mark’s Gospel. They actually
have a great deal in common. Both the Grinch and the leper live outside of town
– away from the society of other people. This is not stated in the gospel
story, of course. But it is understood. There were numerous laws and rules in
the Galilee of Jesus’ time that required all
lepers to stay out of populated places. A leper risked getting stoned to death just for coming into town. The Grinch’s reasons for living away from others seem to be a bit different – seem to be based on a basic mutual dislike – but the effect is the same.
lepers to stay out of populated places. A leper risked getting stoned to death just for coming into town. The Grinch’s reasons for living away from others seem to be a bit different – seem to be based on a basic mutual dislike – but the effect is the same.
There is something else that
the two of them have in common: there is no real medical reason for their
banishment. More than anything, the cause of their troubles seems to have to do
with the accident of skin colour. Certainly there is nothing physically wrong
with the Grinch that means that he cannot live in Whoville. The thing that sets
him apart (at least according to the movie version of his story) is that he
just happens to be green and people haven’t been able to accept that.
The odd thing is that that is
likely true of the leper too. This is confusing because, for us today, leprosy
refers to a very specific medical condition – a highly contagious disease
called Hanson’s disease that destroys the nerve endings in a person’s body
leading to terrible disfigurement or worse. But ancient people were never so
accurate in their medical diagnoses. The people in Jesus’ world just called any
skin condition that persisted for any length of time leprosy – any skin condition. That includes
persistent rashes, eczema, psoriasis. So things that, for us, are easily
treated or managed with creams, salves or other medications meant for them that
you were banished from the ordinary society of other people. So the leper may
well have been an outcast because his skin just happened to be a strange colour
– perhaps white or bright red.
So people labeled as lepers
could be unfairly and unnecessarily cast out. It was all based on attitudes of
blame. Everyone – including the lepers themselves – blamed the victims for
their disease. They must have done something to deserve it. They must have been
exceedingly wicked for such a thing to happen to them. The real problem, in
most cases, was not the skin condition but the attitude towards it.
And the worst thing about it
was that the attitude actually made the condition worse. Being banished from
society meant that they could not take care of their skin and so wounds
festered, lesions became caked with dirt and new infections were picked up. And
it was practically impossible to break out of that cycle.
leper was sitting outside of the town
all of a sudden there came walking down
street a great crowd. And among all these folk
Jesus the prophet and healer who spoke
he told them of life and a God up above
poured out on people a most perfect love.
at this the leper just scoffed and he vowed
he’d prove that this preacher was merely a fraud.
So he
jumped out and fell to his knees with a jeer.
crowd all stepped back in considerable fear
the leper cried out in a tone that was mean.
you’re willing,” he sneered “you can make me clean.”
Now I don’t know if that
request was spoken in exactly that tone or not. But I do know that it was
certainly an odd way to put it. The man seems to have had no doubt that Jesus could heal him. What he does question,
however, is whether Jesus would choose to
do it. And, you see, he had good reason to think that Jesus wouldn’t. After
all, why would Jesus treat him any different than all the other people who had
long ago decided that he wasn’t worth the trouble?
Remember, this guy’s biggest
problem wasn’t any skin condition. It was attitude – both his and everyone
else’s. And he simply couldn’t see any way that those attitudes could change –
not his own and certainly not anyone else’s. Why it would have taken something
truly extraordinary to break through years and years of assumptions and
suspicions, of hatred, fear and blame. Why someone would have to do something
crazy like...
Jesus felt compassion and reached out his hand.
touched that poor leper that knelt on the sand.
people cried out and drew back in dismay
why’d you do that?” they started to say.
healer ignored their concern for hygiene
said, “I do will it. I say you are clean.”
what happened then? In Capernaum they say
the leper’s small heart grew three sizes that day.
But a
far greater wonder is yet to be told.
those who saw Jesus behaving so bold
stunned to discover their hearts too could grow
encompass that man they had once feared to know.
sisters and brothers, don’t wait to show love.
your hands is a power that comes from above.
touch is to care and to care is to heal
that’s how from heaven God’s love you reveal.
he heard him exclaim ere he strode out of sight,
love is for all – you are God’s delight.”
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